Exploring Scripture is an experiential class that invites attendees to engage scripture in new ways. We focus on formation that allows the text to form us (and hopefully, transform us.) The weekly Thursday class will primarily practice lectio divina, an ancient spiritual practice that allows us to experience scripture as God’s living Word. Latin for “divine or sacred reading,” lectio divina helps us interact with scripture through quiet reflection and listening for God’s leading.
If you are not able to attend the class, you may practice on your own.
If you are new to lectio divina, click here for instructions.
Exploring Scripture Link
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 975 4458 0660
Passcode: 517040
Sign Up Information
To sign up for class or to receive the weekly Reflection by email, exploringscripture@foothillsumc.org
Exploring Scripture meets each Thursday at 1:00 pm
The current session is from September 12 through November 21, 2024.