We are Open and Diverse:
As United Methodists, we are called to
- Open our hearts to love and care for all people
- Open our minds to learn all we can about God’s love and explore new ideas, fresh perspectives, and thoughtful dialogue
- Open our doors so that we may both welcome the stranger and go out to love and serve
We Have Four Guidelines for Belief:
- Scripture
- Tradition
- Experience
- Reason
Primacy of Grace:
We believe in God’s grace – the unmerited love of God in our lives. In spite of suffering, violence and evil in the world, we believe that God is present in the world and God’s grace pervades all of Creation.
We Follow Three Simple Rules:
These general rules have governed Methodists from the beginning of the movement.
- First – do no harm by thought, word or action
- Second – do all the good you can in loving and serving others and all creation
- Third – follow the Biblical practices of God including the Lord’s Supper, the study of the scriptures, prayer and good works