Sun rays through clouds

Live Stream And In Person Worship

8:30 & 10:30 Worship Services on Sunday
Our worship service is offered in person and live streamed on Sundays to Facebook. There is no account needed to interact and chat during the service on our website.

All of our previous worship services can be viewed here.

Live Streams are accessible by selecting the button below:

This Sunday

Length: Worship services are generally 60 minutes.

After our worship: ​fellowship on the patio.

Communion Services are held the first Sunday of each month during the 8:30 and 10:30 am services.

Got Kids?

Foothills Young Leaders

For the 8:30 service, all children and youth will worship with their families in the sanctuary. Worship Activity Bags, PrayGround, and Cozy Corner are the many ways they can engage during worship with their faith and friends.
For the 10:30 service, all children and youth can remain in worship or participate in KidsConnect. Children and youth will be dismissed from service and then be guided to Zerbe Center to participate in a bible lesson and various activities.
Child Care Center

Sunday Mornings ~ 8:30 & 10:30am services ~ 6 months – 3 years

Our Child Care Center offers an unstructured space for children ages 6 months to 3 years. Our childcare staff delight in building connections with all children through bible stories, fun & interactive play, or tending to those that might need some extra zZzZz’s. A comfortable environment where children make it their own.

Questions? Contact our Director, Erich Grimm-Schmitt